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A new way for advertisers to buy the YouTube Masthead


In a time of multiple screens and countless ways to stay entertained, it can be challenging to get your audience’s attention. But even with so much content available at any time, people are drawn to moments they can experience together: a new movie release, a big game, a product launch, a holiday. And these are key opportunities to connect with a brand. Marketers, you know this well: you center advertising campaigns around the tentpole moments most likely to inspire your audience, shift perceptions or influence a purchase decision.

To help you show up in those big moments, we recently launched a Cost-Per-Hour Masthead on YouTube. This new way to buy YouTube’s most prominent placement gives you exclusive ownership of the Masthead during the hour(s) leading up to, during or after priority moments.

The activation strategies are endless, but here are a few ideas to get you started.

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