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EPC & Affiliate Marketing – 3X Your Affiliate Revenue


Affiliate marketing is no more a mystery to many of you. Those who haven’t understood the nuances of this no-nonsense way to make money from blogging and YouTube should start by reading this book  (Downloaded by 8360+ people ). 

subscriber.first_name today, I’m sharing an advanced technique to help you pick a profitable affiliate program. 

The technique is called calculating EPC to determine which of the existing affiliate products you promote is more profitable.

To do this, you need to have two data –

  • Number of clicks
  • Revenue 

The calculation is fairly simple.

If you send 1000 clicks to an affiliate product which resulted in $1000 revenue for you. That meant, every click generated $1 for you. (Note: The conversion might be 5%, but for you, the EPC is $1)

Video – 3X Affiliate earning by understanding EPC

I do believe this article 👇 is better than the video, but if you like to learn watching videos, check this out –

Let’s understand this better with an example.

Here I’m comparing two very similar products which offer an affiliate program. 

Comparing the EPC of two similar Affiliate products

Affiliate program 1 –  40% commission

I have promoted a high-quality product, sending 95,997 clicks to the product page. And these 95,997 clicks generated $20,177.27 in revenue. 

  • Number of visitors = 95,997
  • Total revenue = $20,177
  • EPC = $21

You can use this free EPC calculator if you like to check yourself.  👈🏻

Affiliate Program 2 – 30% commission

caption for image

Now, this is an alternate product with similar features, and lets calculate the EPC for this one.

  • Number of visitors = 2411
  • Total revenue = $1431
  • EPC = $59.39

Result 😱

In this case, I’m earning close to 3X more with my second program when I compare revenue per click.

Once you have the EPC number, you can do a lot of stuff, such as:

  • You can pick the best product from the revenue point of view.
  • You could scale your paid traffic medium, as you know how much revenue you are going to generate if you scale up your traffic (Considering the quality remains the same)

A few interesting things to note –

  • A product might offer you a high commission, but when you start approaching the product from an EPC stand point, you might realize that a high commission does not always equate to higher revenue. I have already shared an example above, when an affiliate program with 30% made more money than the one that offered 40%.
  • EPC should not be the only criterion for deciding between two programs.
  • You should use sub-id method to track affiliate clicks based on different placement. Ex – Blog posts, YouTube, Banner ad. And calculate EPC for each placement.

What to do when you don’t have visibility on the number of clicks?

I have got thousand problems but data ain’t one 😉

Honestly, if you are running a self-hosted platform like WordPress or similar blogging platforms, data should not be your biggest problem. These days, all the affiliate plugins like ThirstyAffiliates, Lasso let you track the number of clicks you receive on your affiliate links.

You just need to spend some time configuring these plugin to add the data to your Google analytics dashboard. I will keep this part for future tutorials.

Do note –

  • Not all affiliate software provide the data that you need. You can always ping the program affiliate manager, and ask them to make such data available for you.
  • Some affiliate networks like, have this feature by default, which makes life easier for us. Probably, thats why a lot of products are moving their affiliate program to Impact platform.

Question for you

How would you calculate EPC for a recurring affiliate program? 🤔

Conclusion – EPC in Affiliate Marketing

Just like the first time when you discovered about SEO plugins for WordPress, it might have changed the way you approach driving traffic. Similarly, now once you have learned about this concept of EPC in affiliate marketing, you should utilise this technique to 3x your affiliate revenue.

I would love to know how are you calculating EPC for the products you are promoting, and how are you utilising this data to grow your affiliate revenue?

Share your ideas and experience with us in the comment section below..

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